Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Twenty First Year - Senior In College 1950 - one pic

My Twentieth Year - Junior in College 1949

My Nineteenth Year - Sophomore in College 1948

My Eighteenth Year - College Freshman 1947

Me and my parents in 1947

My Seventeenth Year - 12th Grade 1946

1946 Family Photo:

My Sixteenth Year - 11th Grade 1945

Mary Elizabeth Null 1945

My Fifteenth Year - 10th Grade 1944

Mary Elizabeth Null 1944

Tuscon, Arizona 1944

On the steps of our home in Tuscon, Arizona 1944

My Fourteenth Year - 9th Grade 1943

In 1943 I started High School at Lake Forest High School

My Thirteenth Year - 8th Grade 1942

Me and my best friend Margaret Ann

My Twelth Year - 7th Grade 1941

With my parents in 1941

Here I am with my Grandmother Sarah Barker in 1941

My Eleventh Year - 6th Grade 1940

6th Grade Class Photo Whitestone, Indiana
(I'm the fourth one from the right on the last row)

Here I am with my parents in 1940.
We are all smiling!!!

My Tenth Year - 5th Grade 1939

Some of my extended family at Christmas time in 1939

My mothers family: Aunt Martha, Uncle Edwin, Cousin Amy, Uncle Morris, and my mother Ruth

My father Frank, mother Ruth, Uncle Morris, Uncle Edwin, & Aunt Martha

Group photo with Aunt Martha, Cousin Elizabeth, mother & my grandmother Sarah Barker

My Ninth Year - Fourth Grade 1938

Fourth Grade Class Photo - Gosport, Indiana

My Eighth Year - 3rd Grade 1938

The Null Family in 1937 in honor of my Father's College Commencement Ceremony

My Seventh Year - Second Grade 1936

The Trailer we lived in when we moved to Wild Basin in 1936

Me at 7 years

Me with my Great Aunt Hulda and Great Uncle Stephen Rich in 1936

My Sixth Year - 1st Grade 1935

1st Grade Class Photo

My Fifth Year - 1934

My Fourth Year

Group Photo: The Luers, Eaders, Edwards, and Nulls

My Third Year

Me with my Uncle Morris

4 Years Old

Move over Shirley Temple! Make way for Mary Elizabeth Null!!!

Me with my Mother, Grandmother and Great Uncle

          My Mother, Ruth Barker                   My Father, Frank Null                Me, Mary Elizabeth Null

Story of this photo:

My Second Year 1931

Here I am with my father Frank, and my two Uncles Morris and Edwin
on Morris' Commencement Day

My first firecracker

My First Year

Mary at 18 months with hand on stomach

 Mary at 18 months holding a ball

 Mary at 2 years

Mary at 2 years in a Cowboy hat

Mary with hands up

Mary at 2 and 1/2 years, what an outfit!

 Mary in checkered shorts.

Life in Kouts, Indiana

Mary Elizabeth Null and Eva Mae Hough

A story goes here...

 Mary 11 months holding button of sweater

Mary 11 months next to chair

 Mary 11 months on chair

 Mary 11 months holding hat

Mary at 11 months

Mary at 12 months

 Mary 1 year with wagon, Kouts, Indiana